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I made a time-line of Farwerck’s life and ‘things around it’ to see if patterns would emerge. Perhaps you would like to see that list too.

1889 0March 4 birthlife
18923September 10 C.W.F. Farwerck bornlife
190314Theosophical loge founded in Hilversum.
190516Foundation of first Dutch mixed-gender lodge CazotteFM
190819Anne Kerdijk initiated into mixed gender Masonic lodgeFM
1909203/6/09 moves from Amsterdam to Rotterdamlife
works for brown coal factory in Rotterdamwork
191122Foundation of lodge Christiaan Rosenkreutz with non-Theosophical ritual by Van GinkelFM
April 23, Farwerck initiated in the Masonic lodge Christiaan RosenkreutzFM
October 21 FC and MM degreesFM
director coal factory in Rotterdamwork
191223Farwerck family buys villa Caecilia in Hilversumlife
Farwerck founds carpet factory in Hilversum (or (with) his father)work
rituals of Dutch mixed gender Freemasonry changedFM
travels to Germany for workwork
191324Rotterdam has Farwerck move to Hilversum (Amsterdam says 1916 and the rest of the family moved to Hilversum in 1914)life
191425Most of the Farwerck family moves to the villa in Hilversumlife
191526foundation umbrella organisation for carpet factorieswork
191728Carl Wilhelm Farwerck initiated on April 29, FC on December 12 and raised on December 16FM
December 30, Farwerck receives 30ºFM
foundation lodge Georges Martin IFM
in this year Farwerck headed the local Theosophical lodgeother
191829October, Farwerck receives 31ºFM
changes in the rituals of Dutch mixed gender FreemasonryFM
191930Foundation lodges Ken Uzelven (Farwerck was involved) and PlatoFM
Le Droit Humain Netherlands becomes a federationFM
article Vrijmetselarij en Jezuïtisme (see bibliography)wr
19203117/9/20 mother dieslife
7/12/20 C.W. Farwerck and J. Borrius get marriedlife
1921326/2/21 Johanna Borriusinitiated (she became FC on 16/9/23 and MM on 8/6/26)FM
initiated into Universal Sufi orderother
foundation lodge Broedertrouw (Farwerck was involved)FM
Farwerck helps to found the lodge Goethe Zum Flammenden Stern in Frankfurt Am Main, Germany, after an Esperanto congress in that cityFM
192233Schlesinger receives all tree degreesFM
Inayat Khan lectures for a lodge under Farwerck in Haarlemother
Farwerck receives 33º so that he can represent Dutch lodges abroad at the International Council in Paris. Also he helps Faulhaber to found a lodge in Prague that initially works in Esperanto. The same goes for a lodge in Frankfurt.FM
15th Esperanto Congress together with first Universala Framasona Ligo congress
a lodge is founded in Wien/Vienna, but Kerdijk has to go since Farwerck is sick. The lodge in the making will be lead by Schlesinger
article Kabbalah en VM (see bibliograpy)wr
article Vorm van de Logewr
15/3/22 Otto Hans Farwerck born to C.W. Farwerck and J. Borrius
192334Farwerck becomes national representative for the Dutch federation of Le Droit Humain at the Internalional Council in ParisFM
lengthy text about rituals in internal publication of the Dutch federation of LDHwr
article Hierarchisch of Demokratisch?wr
article Inwijding en innerlijke ontplooiingwr
article Juiste houdingwr
article Licht en blinddoekwr
192435member of Supreme Council in Paris of Le Droit Humain internationalFM
Farwerck helps with the lodge in PragueFM
foundation Emile Coué societywr
article De arbeid in onze jurisditiewr
article Tempelarbeid van den leerlingwr
article WKS Zuilen Officierenwr
192536more revisions to rituals this time by Farwerck himselfFM
Farwerck helps to found the lodge Hiram Abif together with his brother and sister in lawFM
12/4/1925 Willem Arnoud Farwerck born to C.W. Farwerck and J. Borrius
Farwerck reviews three books about mysteries of later turns up in a bibliography of his
lodge Vertrauen is installed, Schlesinger no longer Worshipful Master. Kerdijk helps to found a lodge in Praguefm
192637article Hoe anderen ons zienwr
article Inwijdingwr
article Symboliekwr
article Kinderspelen of Jos. Raemaekers
somewhere in 1925/6 Kerdijk en Schlesinger move to the Netherlands
C.W. Farwerck recives 30º and joins National Councilfm
192738foundation lodge Ars Regia by SchlesingerFM
Farwerck is mentioned for having visited PragueFM
first book (Bulletin 1/1927 identifies B.J. van der Zuylen as F.E.F.)wr
foundation of Rotary clubs in Hilversum and Amsterdam. Farwerck is involvedother
article Hoe moeten wij studeeren?wr
second book Mysteriën en inwijdingen in de oudheidwr
192839installation of Rotary Club Hilversumother
Farwerck visited Rotary Clubs in Copenhagen and Göteborg
article Rotarywr
article Het geheim van het alphabetwr
article Ritualen in andere federatieswr
article Vrijmetselarij en de geestesstromingen van deze tijdwr
192940article De kabbalistische opvatting over de natuur van Godwr
article De rechte hoekwr
article Het teeken des levenswr
article Nostrodamuswr
article Oordeelwr
article Verlosserswr
article Wijsheidwr
Rotary Hilversum starts an organisation to help children. Farwerck leads itother
in november Farwerck lectures about Rotary and Freemasonry at his Rotary Clublc
19304118/9/1930 father dieslife
29/9/1930 Kees Jan Farwerck born to C.W. Farwerck and J. Borrius
Farwerck has a tour along lodges in Hamburg, Berlin, Prague, Wien and Frankfurtfm
193142foundation Ario-Germaansch Genootschaphea
wooden building of the neighbouring school burns downlife
lecture about mixed gender Freemasonry at a Theosophical lodge in Rotterdamlc
lecture about Esperanto for his Rotary Clublc
at his Rotary Club Farwerck mentions that he was in Stockton, UKother
article Andersson’s constitutieboekwr
booklet De Hiram mythe en het 3e rituaalwr
article Eenige opmerkingenwr
booklet Systeem samenhang AASRwr
193243Kerdijk requests Farwerck leaving the lodge, it seems that this year Farwerck became active in the NSBFM
somewhere this year Farwerck joins the Nationalist Socialist Movement (N.S.B).other
foundation Vereeniging voor onwelvaardigenother
article De kleine lichtenwr
193343lecture about geology and the oldest history of Het Gooi for a society of artists in the Hamdorff hotel (March).lc
foundation of a bankother
lodge Christian Rosencreutz has a Germanic winter soltice together with August HeytingFM hea
foundation Goois Museumother
article De toekomst der Vrijmetselarijwr
article Kleurensymboliekwr
a quite heated discussion about politics at his Rotary Club later Farwerck lectures about National-Socialismother
Farwerck resigns from Le Droit HumainFM
193445(April) lodge announced resignation to Grand SecretaryFM
193546radical National Socialists expose Farwerck as FreemasonNSB
discussions about the Jewish question at his Rotary Clubother
193647start periodical Wolfsangelwr
193748foundation Der Vaderen EfdeelNSB
193748book Het volksche element in het Nationaal Socialismewr
lecture about the oldest inhabitants of the Netherlands at his Rotary Clublc
193849book Het is anders dan men ons leerdewr
book Levend Verledenwr
article De Wolfsangel (‘wolf trap’) in Nieuw Nederlandwr
neighbouring school starts expandingother
193950Rene de Clercq foundationother
lecture about art in antiquity for his Rotary Clublc
opposition against National Socialist members within his Rotary Clubother
19405111/1/40 Fire in Farwerck’s houseother
lecture about Culture in Northern Europe before the common era at his Rotary Clublc
12/5/40 Farwerck’s house searched for the first timeFM
6/40 resignation of Rotary Club
Farwercks brother and a few others leave the lodge (Johanna is not among the signers)NSB
Farwerck out of active membership N.S.B.NSB
article Het Kersfeest voor Christus’ geboortewr
article Ex Oriente Lux Of Noorder Licht? in Nieuw Nederlandwr
book Onze voorvaderen lieten hun stempel op en om den Goudsbergwr
194152book Wien Neerlandsch Bloedwr
194354article De Wereld, Een Heilige Orde in Nieuw Nederlandwr
article Holderdebolder in Ons Eigen Volkwr
1944555/9/45 ‘crazy Tuesday’, the Netherlands liberated
article Carnaval gebruiken in Nieuw Nederlandwr
19455628/5/1945 both F.E. and C.W. Farwerck leave Veneta after post-war investigations
194859decision to not persecute Farwerck
1952631 August, “Mrs. Farwerck” lives at Beethovenlaan 11 with three other adults
195364book Het Teeken van Dood en Herleving (with address Beethovenlaan 11)wr
book Noord-Europese Mysteriën en Inwijdingen in de Oudheidwr
195566book Noord-Europa een der Bronnen van de Maçonnieke Symboliek wr
195667april, first issue of Nehalennia
article Het geloof in een vaststaand lotwr
article Opvattingen over het hiernamaals in de Germaansche Oudheidwr
article Sint Jansminnewr
195768article De knoop in de heidensche tijd en later volksgeloofwr
article De lentebruidwr
article De weerwolvenwr
article Het wilde heirwr
195869article De geheimen der bouwhuttenwr
article De oudgermaansche tijdrekening en de kerktoren van Vrieswr
19/12/1958 K.J. Farwerck marries Th.W.Ch. Hoolboom
195970article De drakenstrijd in mythe, sage, legende en Volksgebruikenwr
article De symboliek der gekruiste benenwr
September, Farwerck changed his address from Beethovenlaan 11 to Emmastraat 58 in a letter
196071lecture about the primordial civilization of Het Gooi which descended from three people for the Dutch Genealogy Society (September). lc
article De Germaansche drie moederswr
article De mysteriën der oudheid en hun inwijdingsritenwr
article Heilige bronnen en wat er nog aan herinnertwr
lecture Externsteine Vlaardingen
24 September, “Mrs. Farwerck” appears to still live at Beethovenlaan 11
196172article Blindheid en de blinddoekwr
article Bruidstenenwr
article Carnavalwr
article De danswr
article Die Externsteinewr
article Het hert als dodengeleiderwr
article Irminzuilwr
article Oud Germaansche dichtkunstwr
article Steenvereering in vroegere en latere tijdwr
196475Carl Wilhelm Farwerck dies on March 22thlife
196576lecture about the spiritual world of our ancestors for the archaeological group ‘t Gooi (that he co-founded) in Laren (April).lc
196778Neighbouring school buys villa Caecilia
Farwerck donated about 800 photos to a local museum
196980Franz Farwerck dies on May 22thlife
1970book Noordeuropese mysteriën en hun sporen tot hedenwr
1971auction of a part of Farwerck’s library
1978second print Noordeuropese mysteriënwr