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Johanna Farwerck-Borrius (1901-1992)

Referring to Carl Wilhelm Farwerck‘s wife, I realised that I never really looked at Johanna. I didn’t even have her years of birth and death present when I needed them. Time to change this.

It wasn’t too difficult to find out when Johanna lived. She was born in Amsterdam on 3 May 1901 and she passed away on 15 May 1992 in Hilversum. At the time she had children, grand children and grand grand children. Thus says the obituary, see at the end of this text.

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Who was Mrs. Farwerck?

I ran into several references to a “Mevr. Farwerck”. Also I ran into references using the feminine version of the Dutch word for “publisher” to obtain Farwerck’s books. Plus, Farwerck’s own publishing house “Thule” sometimes used another address, an address of a “Mrs. Farwerck”. Five years after I wrote the first version of this little text, I had to revise my conclusions a little.

Sometimes it is mentioned that works of Farwerck can be obtained from the publisher, using the word “Uitgeefster”, a feminine version of the Dutch word “uitgever”, ‘publisher’. I thought I knew such a reference to “uitgeefster” Thule, but I can’t find that one anymore. I did find a few things that now makes me conclude that Farwerck may not have meant to say that his publisher was a woman.

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