I ran into several references to a “Mevr. Farwerck”. Also I ran into references using the feminine version of the Dutch word for “publisher” to obtain Farwerck’s books. Plus, Farwerck’s own publishing house “Thule” sometimes used another address, an address of a “Mrs. Farwerck”. Five years after I wrote the first version of this little text, I had to revise my conclusions a little.
Sometimes it is mentioned that works of Farwerck can be obtained from the publisher, using the word “Uitgeefster”, a feminine version of the Dutch word “uitgever”, ‘publisher’. I thought I knew such a reference to “uitgeefster” Thule, but I can’t find that one anymore. I did find a few things that now makes me conclude that Farwerck may not have meant to say that his publisher was a woman.
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