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Here we have all the titles of texts that Farwerck wrote that are known to me. Soms were published in journals, other are books and all the way below also titles that were announced, but never published.

See biography for more information about the periodicals, publishers, etc. and on the book covers page for covers.
When a title is underlined, click on it for a translation of the text or information about it. When the original publication can be found online, I say “available online” in the description of the title.

  • Bulletin. In 1918 the internal periodical of Le Droit Humain Netherlands was started by H.J. van Ginkel. Farwerck contributed texts often written in his function of Grand Commander, but also several texts about specific subjects. Since most issues aren’t numbered, I decided to refer to them as month/year.
    • Vrijmetselarij en Jezuïtisme (‘Freemasonry and Jesuitism’) 3/1919;
    • De Vorm van de Loge (‘The Form of the Lodge’) as F.E.F. 5/1922;
    • Hierarchisch of Demokratisch (‘Hierarchical or Democratic’) as F.E.F. 3/1923;
    • Een beschouwing over het in Nederland gebruikte rituaal der A∴ G∴ V∴ in verband met de plaatsing der Hoofdoff∴ (‘A reflection on the ritual of the A∴ G∴ V∴ (‘universal mixed Freemasonry’) used in the Netherlands in connection with the placement of the Off∴ (officers) as F.E.F. 5/1923;
    • Inwijding en innerlijke ontplooiing (‘Initiation and inner evolution’) as F.E.F. 5/1923;
    • De getallen vijf en zeven in Japansche mythen (‘The numbers five and seven in Japanese myths’) as F.E.F. 6/1923;
    • Licht en blinddoek (‘Light and blindfold’) as F.E.F. 10/1923;
    • Tempelarbeid van den leerling (‘Temple work of the apprentice’) as F.E.F. 5/1924;
    • Teeken, greep en woord (‘Sign, grip and word’) as F.E.F. 6/1924;
    • De arbeid in onze jurisdictie (‘Work in our order’) as F.E.F. 9/1924;
    • Taak van den vierden graad (‘Task of the fourth degree’) as F.E.F. 9/1924;
    • De Maçonnieke kleding (‘Masonic clothing’) as F.E.F. 10/1924;
    • Het nieuwe leerlingsrituaal (‘The new entered apprentice ritual’) as F.E.F. 10/1924;
    • De taak der verschillende graden (‘The task of the different degrees’) as F.E.F. 11/1924;
    • W∴ K∴ S∴ in verband met de Zuilen, de Lichten en de Hoofdofficieren der loge (‘W∴ S∴ B∴ in connection to the Pillars, the Lights and the main officers of the lodge’) as F.E.F. 12/1924;
    • Eischen van toelating (‘Requirements for admission’) as F.E.F. 1/1925
    • De juiste houding (‘The right mindset’) as F.E.F. 5/1925;
    • Leiderschap (‘Leadership’) as F.E.F. 1/1926;
    • Wat nu? (‘What’s next?’) as F.E.F. 3/1926;
    • Hoe anderen ons zien (‘How others see us’) as B.J. van de Zuylen 11/1926;
    • Huwelijksrituaal (‘Ritual of marriage’) as F.E. Farwerck 12/1927;
    • Hoe moeten wij studeeren? (‘How should we study?’) as F.E.F. 12/1927;
    • Ritualen in andere federaties onzer orde (‘Rituals in other federations of our order’) as F.E.F. 1/1928 (later followed some replies of readers and answers of Farwerck);
    • De stand der zwaarden van de drie Hoofdoff. bij de wijding tot Vrijmetselaar (‘The position of the swords of the three main officers during the consecration to Freemason’) 9/1928;
    • Vrijmetselarij en de geestesstromingen van deze tijd (‘Freemasonry and the spiritual systems of our time’) as F.E.F. 9/1928;
    • Anderson’s Constitutieboek (‘Anderson’s book of Constitutions’) as F.E.F. 4/1931;
    • De drie kleine lichten (‘The three lesser lights’) as F.E.F. 3/1932;
    • Kleurensymboliek (‘Color symbolism’) as F.E.F. 1/1933;
    • De toekomst der Vrijmetselarij (‘The future of Freemasonry’) as F.E.F. 9/1933.
  • Bouwsteenen voor een veelzijdige en harmonische levens- en wereldbeschouwing driemaandelijks tijdschrift gewijd aan wijsheid en schoonheid (‘Building blocks for a multidimensional and harmonic philosophy and worldview quarterly periodical dedicated to wisdom and beauty’). This periodical was published by the mentioned N.V. Maçonnieke Uitgevers Maatschappij from 1926 to 1932. It was not an official publication of Le Droit Humain Netherlands. Several texts of Farwerck have been published, some of them have later been republished as small booklets by the same publisher.
    • Symboliek (‘Symbolism’) as F.E.F. 1/1 (1926). Was later also published as a separate booket, year unknown;
    • Inwijding (‘Initiation’) as F.E.F. 1/2 (1926);
    • De kabbalistische opvatting over de natuur van god (‘The kabbalistic concept of the nature of god’) as B.J. van der Zuylen 2/1 (1927). Judging this entry in the library of the Theosophical Society in Amsterdam, it was republished in an unknown year by the N.V. Maçonnieke Uitgevers Maatschappij;
    • Verlossers (‘Saviors’) as B.J. van der Zuylen, 2/2 (1927). It was republished, see Theosophical library;
    • Rotary as B.J. v.d. Zuylen 3/2 (1928);
    • Het Geheim van het Alphabeth (‘The Secret of the Alphabeth’) as B.J. van der Zuylen 3/3 (1928). Republished, year unknown;
    • Wijsheid (‘Wisdom’) as B.J. v.d. Zuylen 3/4 (1929);
    • Het Teeken Des Levens (‘The Sign Of Life’) as B.J. van der Zuylen 4/1 (1929);
    • Nostrodamus as F.E. Farwerck 4/2 (1929). Republished, year unknown;
    • De Rechte Hoek (‘The Right Angle’) as B.J. van der Zuylen 4/3 (1929);
  • There were other periodicals with similar titles in the same period. One of them was called Bouwsteenen, algemeen tijdschrift voor symboliek, mysteriewezen, wijsbegeerte, ethiek en kunst (‘Building blocks, general periodical for symbolism, mysteries, philosophy, ethics and art’). This follow-up of the Bouwsteenen above was published by A.A.W. Santing (who also published about the Rosicrucians). In year six (1931) there is an article by B.J. van der Zuylen called Eenige Opmerkingen (‘Some Remarks’) in which he corrects some notes on the history of Freemasonry in a text of another author that was published in the same periodical earlier. This Bouwsteenen appears to be a follow-up of the previous in spite of the fact that it has a different name and publisher. The oldest year I know is V;
  • Oordeel (‘Judgment’) as F.E.F, a little book the text of which does not seem to have been printed in Bouwsteenen earlier. This library says to lend out an ebook They have it published in “192?”, no publishing house mentioned. I have held another copy in my hand in another library. No year of publication or publisher is mentioned;
  • Mysteriën en Inwijdingen in de Oudheid (‘Mysteries and Initiations in Antiquity’) as B.J. van der Zuylen. 1927 N.V. Maçonnieke Uitgevers Maatschappij. It was later republished by publishing house Schors which republished more titles of N.V. Maçonnieke Uitgevers Maatschappij. The Schors version is fairly easy to get second hand. The first edition is also available online when I write this;
  • Het Systeem In Den Ouden En Aangenomen Schotschen Ritus en de samenhang der drie-en-dertig graden (‘The system of the AASR and the coherence of the 33 grades’ 1928) as F.E. Farwerck. Maçonnieke Uitgevers Maatschapij;
  • De Hiram-mythe en het 3e rituaal (‘The Hiram-myth and the 3rd ritual’) as F.E. Farwerck. N.V. Maçonnieke Uitgevers Maatschappij, 1931. Available online when I write this;
  • De Wolfsangel (1936) later Der Vaderen Erfdeel (1938) later Volksche Wacht (1939 from Farwerck’s removal) a periodical that was published from (respectively) 1936, 1938, 1939 until 1944 published by the NSB. It contains texts by Farwerck (but anonymous, so it is impossible to say which texts are his). Wolfsangel is available online when I write this, as is Der Vaderen Erfdeel and Volksche Wacht;
  • Nieuw Nederland (‘New Netherlands’) periodical
    • Het Volksche Element In Het Nationaal Socialisme (‘the folkish element in National-Socialism’ as F. van Schoping (15/3/1937), in the same year also published in a separate booklet by the same publisher;
    • De Wolfsangel (‘Wolf trap’) as F. Farwerck (15/6/1938);
    • Nomadenaard En Boerenaard (‘Nomad nature and farmers nature’) as Farwerck (15/12/1939);
    • Ex Oriente Lux Of Noorder Licht? (‘Ex Oriente Lux (the light from the East) or Northern Light?’) as F. v. Schoping (15/12/1940);
    • De Wereld, Een Heilige Orde (‘The world, a sacred order’). This text is signed “v. S.” which could be “Van Schoping”. The text and presentation are in Farwerck’s style. (15/8/1943);
    • Carnaval-Gebruiken (‘Carnival usages’) as F. van Schoping (15/4/1944)
  • Het is anders dan men ons leerde (‘It was different from what we were taught’) as F.E. Farwerck, 1938 Der Vaderen Erfdeel. Available online when I write this;
  • Levend verleden. (‘Living past’) as F.E. Farwerck. Also published by Der Vaderen Erfdeel (like the previous title) in 1938. This is a magnificent book with many photos, a real Farwerck. The book is fairly well available second hand, but not cheap. It is available online when I write this;
  • Het Kerstfeest vóór Christus’ Geboorte (‘Christmas before Christ’s birth’) as F.E. Farwerck in “Historia” magazine December 24 1940;
  • Onze voorvaderen lieten hun stempel om den Goudsberg (‘Our ancestors left their mark on and around the Goudsberg (lit. ‘Gold-mountain’)’) as F.E. Farwerck from around 1940. The publisher is unknown (probably Der Vaderen Erfdeel). I have not found it second hand, but it can be read online;
  • Wien Neerlandsch Bloed… het rassenvraagstuk en zijn betekenis voor Nederland (‘Whose Dutch blood… the question of race and its meaning for the Netherlands’) as F. van Schoping, 1941 Volk en Bodem (‘Folk and Soil’);
  • Ons Eigen Volk (‘Our Own People’) periodical:
    • Holderdebolder (‘herley-barley’) as F.E. Farwerck (1943) (available online when I write this).
  • Noord-Europese Mysteriën en Inwijdingen in de Oudheid (‘Northern-European Mysteries and Initiations in antiquity’) as B.J. van der Zuylen, a self-published (Thule) work from 1953. This book is not hard to find. After publication it was advertised for ƒ 3,85 (stitched) or ƒ 4,95 (bound);
  • Het teken van dood en herleving en het raadsel van het Angelsaksische runenkistje (‘The symbol of death and resurrection and the riddle of the Anglo-Saxon rune casket’) as F.E. Farwerck, also 1953 Thule. This book is fairly well to find second hand. At the time you could order your copy for ƒ 4,65;
  • Archeologische overblijfselen in de omgeving van Baarn (‘Archeological remains in the vicinity of Baarn’) in “Westerheem” III/3-4 (March April 1954). Can be read online;
  • Noord-Europa, een der bronnen van de Maçonnieke Symboliek (‘Northern-Europe, one of the sources of Masonic symbolism’) as Van der Zuylen, again 1955 Thule. This is Farwerck’s most Masonic work. The book can be found second hand, but you have to be persistent. At the time it was priced ƒ 6,25;
  • Nehalennia a periodical that was published by Thule from 1956 until 1961 and which features articles by Farwerck. He was not part of the editorial staff;
    • Opvattingen over het hiernamaals in de Germaanse Oudheid (‘Concepts of the hereafter in Teutonic antiquity’) I-1, 1956;
    • Sint Jansminne (‘Saint John’s ‘minne”) I-2, 1956;
    • Het geloof in een vaststaand lot (‘Belief in a fixed fate’) I-3, 1956;
    • Het geloof in een vaststaand lot II (‘Belief in a fixed fate II ‘) I-4, 1956;
    • De lentebruid (‘The spring bride’) II-1, 1957;
    • De knoop in de heidense tijd en in het latere volksgeloof (‘The knot in heathen times and in later popular belief’) II-2, 1957;
    • De weerwolven (‘The werewolves’) II-3, 1957;
    • Het wilde heir (‘The wild hunt’) II-4, 1957;
    • De geheimen der bouwhutten (‘The secrets of the building lodges’) III-2, 1958);
    • De oudgermaanse tijdrekening en de kerktoren van Vries (‘The old Teutonic time reckoning and the churchtower of Vries’) III-3, 1958;
    • De drakenstrijd in mythe, sage, legende en Volksgebruiken (‘The dragon battle in myth, saga, legend and Popular use’) IV-1, 1959;
    • De symboliek der gekruiste benen (‘The symbolism of crossed legs’) IV-3, 1959;
    • De symboliek der gekruiste benen II (‘The symbolism of crossed legs II’) IV-4, 1959;
    • De germaanse drie moeders (‘The teutonic three mothers’) V-1, 1960;
    • Heilige bronnen en wat er nog aan herinnert (‘Sacred wells and what reminds of them’) V-3, 1960;
    • Steenverering in vroegere en latere tijd (‘Veneration of rocks in earlier and later times’) VI-1, 1961;
    • De Externsteine (‘The Externsteine’) VI-2, 1961;
    • De Externsteine (slot) (‘The Externsteine (end)’) VI-3, 1961;
    • Carnaval (‘Carnival’) VI-4, 1961.
  • De Mysteriën der Oudheid en hun inwijdingsriten (‘The mysteries of antiquity and their rites of initiation’) as F.E. Farwerck, self published (Thule) in 1960 (fairly easy to find);
  • Noordeuropese mysteriën en hun sporen tot heden (‘Northern European mysteries and their traces to the present’) as F.E. Farwerck 1970 Kluwer. There was a reprint in 1978 (Ankh-Hermes, a fairly big new-age publisher, an index was added and the cover is somewhat different), but none after that. The second seems to have been a fairly big edition, since the book is not hard to find second hand. At the time it costed a whopping ƒ 85.

Books yet to find

In 1979 a local archaeological group “Archeologische Werkgemeenschap Nederland, afdeling Naerdincklant” mentions in their annual report a “Lijst van boeken van de vereniging” (‘list of books of the association’) five titles of Farwerck that are unknown to me. The publishers and years are publication are unknown to me too:

  • De laatste en het hinken (‘The latter and the limping’)
  • De runen (‘The runes’)
  • Tijdrekeningen en maandnamen (‘Chronologies and the names of the months’)
  • Vries I en II (I guess this means these are two volumes about (the church) of the place called Vries)
  • Volksgebruiken I, II en III (three volumes about folklore)

Especially because of the numbers behind the last two titles, there is a strong suggestions that these are not really book(let)s, but perhaps texts to be published in periodicals.

Unpublished works

In Noord-Europese mysteriën en inwijdingen in de oudheid published in 1953, five titles were announced to appear next in the series. These titles have never seen the light of day:

  • Het teken van dood en herleving in verleden en heden (‘The sign of life and resurrection in the past and present’). Perhaps this became the book with the similar title which is partly also about the Franks casket;
  • Het symboliek der Vrijmetselarij vergeleken met die der heidens-Germaanse mannenbonden (‘The symbolism of Freemasonry compared with that of the heathen-Germanic men-bonds’);
  • Het begrip dood en herleving in de oudheid in Noord-Europa in mythe en volksgebruiken (‘The concept of death and resurrection in antiquity in Northern-Europe in myth and folk-customs’);
  • Boom- en zuilvereering in vroege en later tijd (‘Tree and pillar worship in earlier and later times’);
  • De geheimen der bouwhutten en het Romaanse kerkje te Vries (‘The secrets of the buildings huts and the Roman church in Vries’) (a text about the church if Vries was published in Nehalennia in 1958, see above and two books called “Vries” were in the possession of an archaeological group, also see above);

The 1960 book is a part I of what was supposed to be a series. Part I is about “mysteries” and ‘rites des passages’. Other parts would deal with specific mysteries, quite like the first book. These other parts were never published.

The 6th year of the ‘Nehalennia” periodical (1961) (see above) was the last. The last issue announces a whole range of upcoming articles, including the following of Farwerck: 

  • Oud-Germaanse dichtkunst (‘Old Teutonic poetry’);
  • Bruidstenen (‘Bridal stones’);
  • De Irminzuil (‘The Irmin-pillar’);
  • De dans (‘The dance’);
  • Het hert als dodengeleider (‘The dear as guide of the dead’);
  • Blindheid en de blinddoek (‘Blindness and the blindfold’).

Since these titles are very specific, I suppose that they were already written, but the periodical was dropped due to financial reasons in March 1962.