Okay, so I forget to update this category. A quick overview:
- July 23th I looked into the Sammlung Thule;
- August 7th the ‘Nehalennia crew‘;
- August 9th when looking for more images I found a couple of interesting things;
- August 18th. Wondering who lived on the alternative address of Farwerck’s publishing house I tried to find out “who was mrs. Farwerck?“;
- Augustus 30th I took a look at Franz’ brother;
- September 2nd. Finding looking into the ‘Nehalennia crew’ interesting I pointed my arrows to the Goois Museum;
- September 4th. Farwerck seems to have been a Sufi;
- Farwerck’s social ideas (6/9/19);
- So what exactly did Farwerck say about the Jews? (6/9/19);
- With whom did Farwerck start a Rotary club? (7/9/19);
- With whom did Farwerck start the Coué foundation? (9/9/19);
- Was Farwerck active within Theosophy? (12/9/19);
- The couple Van Meerwijk joined Farwerck on may efforts, who were they? (16/9/19);
- What can we find out about Farwerck’s belief? (18/9/19).